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The Living Room of Art in Málaga
The Museum Jorge Rando is the only museum in Spain which focuses on all aspects of Expressionism, which was a determining period in contemporary artistic culture. The museum was founded with the intention of raising awareness of the work of Málaga painter Jorge Rando and of becoming an international benchmark for Expressionism.

The museum is designed to have a strong educational focus and a different format of bringing the world of museums closer to the public. It provides personalised attention for visitors and offers a varied programme of cultural activities which are free of charge. Entry to the museum is also free.

The principal lines of activity of the Museum Jorge Rando are as follows:


One of the objectives of the museum is to raise awareness, or provide a more in-depth knowledge, of the Expressionist and present-day Neo-expressionist movement. It aims to encourage reflection upon and the study of the cultural heritage of the movement and the artistic career of Jorge Rando.


Education is this institution’s mission and duty to society. From an academic perspective it offers an educational programme which introduces culture naturally into the imagination. The museum believes that the works of artists produce knowledge and construct meaning;  art has to arouse people’s interest, in such a way that it enables them to develop critical ability. The museum sees itself as a platform of information, transmission and the exchange of knowledge for cultural enrichment, by bringing together all the different aspects.  

The Living Room of Art in Málaga

The museum wants to be a living space. Expressionism is a multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be considered in separate parts, and for that reason the museum sees itself as a meeting point for its many artistic and cultural manifestations. Art is understood to be the heritage of being human, with its own language of observing and interpreting reality, and the museum believes it is necessary for an artistic discourse to be developed in which space is provided for emotional, perceptive, rational, intellectual and conceptual aspects. Culture is a tool for the development of analytical, logical and critical ability; it needs a cooperative and non-hierarchical dialogue that promotes the plurality of knowledge.
One of the main projects of the Museum Jorge Rando is to become a Living Room of Art where all its manifestations can find a place to share their information, debate it, confront it, unite it, form it and break it down, through different views of the same reality which are mutually enriching.

Cultural programme

The Jorge Rando Foundation will be organising a cultural programme which will include a variety of artistic forms, from film sessions and cultural events related to music to literature and philosophy, among others.  It also places great emphasis on seminars, but ones which are held without a podium so that knowledge from different perspectives can be shared face-to-face.
Collaboration and cooperation

The present situation has shown that there is a need for collaboration and cooperation between entities in the field of culture. The Museum Jorge Rando wants to play an active role in promoting joint efforts which will enrich and strengthen the sector.
The Jorge Rando Foundation has been carrying out different activities prior to the opening of the museum, including an agreement with the San Telmo school for the restoration of the altarpiece of the church of the Monasterio de las Mercedarias and the chapel of the San Miguel cemetery. With regard to social policies, the Jorge Rando Foundation also participated in the Red Carpet Experience when this came to Málaga. This German project is aimed at young people who are at risk of social exclusion, and on this occasion they had the opportunity to find a means of integration through Art and culture.

The team at the Museum Jorge Rando is not restricted to working along strictly-defined lines; its mission is guided by an unmistakable spirit of the love of art.